
The right insurance concept for every phase of your life. Kadas&Kollegen support you in choosing which insurance suits you best and helps you to become financially independent through crafting proper assets to ensure a suitable insurance concept. The team Kadas&Kollegen provides you with transparency on the insurance market, as we will find the best price-performance ratio insurance in your personal or professional situation. Through a consultation conversation, you can convince yourself of the competence, quality, and know-how of our

Professional liability insurance – BHV

Liability insurance is of great importance not only in the private sector but for entrepreneurs and freelancers. Professional liability insurance is essential for self-employed since they are responsible for any damage that occurs during business activities. The risk of an action for damages has increased considerably in recent years as changes in the law result in increasingly stringent measures against companies in the event of damage.

Private liability insurance – PHV

In everyday life, there are many dangers that can cause you, as a private person, to harm others. Private liability insurance protects you against most of the costs that arise in this connection and is, therefore, one of the most important insurances of all. It compensates for justified, insured claims and also defends unjustified claims.

Legal expenses insurance – LEI

In the event of litigation, it may become costly. Besides the legal fees, there are other fees, e.g. for experts or lawyers. You are fully covered with legal expenses insurance, regardless of whether you are insured as a private individual, an employee or a tenant/owner.

Inventory insurance – PIV

The inventory insurance protects your facility against loss and damage caused by fire, burglary, theft, vandalism, tap water (e.g. moisture damage caused by run-down pipes), storms and hail. Repair costs are refunded to the newest quality level. The protection serves the rapid restoration of operational capability.

Health insurance –

As a doctor, you can take advantage of private health insurance. Private health insurance is available for doctors, dentists and doctors in the internships -AiP- and medical students in the stage of a practical year -MPJ-. Private health insurance offers a large number of special rates for doctors as well as group rates. The services and contributions are quite different and can be individually adapted to your needs.

Daily Sickness allowance – KTG

Comprehensive coverage is particularly important and convenient in the event of a prolonged illness. The income shortage may lead to financial struggles and loss of life quality. A daily sickness benefits
insurance ensures that one receives an income at the usual level, even in the event of illness. This allows you to meet your current financial obligations, such as a rent or loan payment, and yet does not have to compromise your usual standard of living.

Long-term care insurance – PVN

Life expectancy in Germany continues to rise – with it, the risk of becoming a care case. However, statutory long-term care insurance does not cover all outpatient or inpatient care costs. As a result, there are gaps in care, for which the patients have to pay themselves. With long-term care insurance, you ensure that your private assets are unaffected or your children have to be liable in case of care.

Medical centre closure insurance- PAV

Medical centre closure insurance covers all risks that may lead to business interruption. These interruptions may be created through sicknesses, accidents and damage to property. A medical
center closure insurance reimburses the running costs of its business, which report bankruptcy caused by the mentioned interruptions. The Federal Finance Court decided that the insurance is part of private life insurance. Therefore, the insurance contributions are not operating expenses, meaning they are not taxable.

Occupational incapacity insurance – BU

Anyone who does not have sufficient insurance cover in the event of a claim may be in serious financial distress due to financial losses, which very often means the cessation of his self-employed activity. Currently, more than two million people in Germany are already drawing early
retirement pensions due to health concerns. The number of cases of occupational disability increases, which further intensifies our advisory mandate.

Accident insurance – UV

Unfortunately, it is impossible to escape the nature of accidents; no one is safe from it – not even doctors. Statistically, 70% of accidents occur in leisure time and 30% at work. Especially for doctors who majorly work with their hands, accidents can have serious consequences. Even if many accidents are minor, you are covered with the right accident insurance.

Building insurance – WGV

Residential building insurance protects the owner’s building from possible financial consequences caused by fire, lightning, storm and hail, and damage caused by tap water pipes. Such damages can cost a fortune; however, through the BS, you are fully covered. The BS is
recommended to all homeowners to protect their belongings from corresponding damage.
In addition, most banks require at least one fire insurance in connection with the loan for the property.

Household Supply Insurance – HR
Through purchases, hobbies and general acquisitions, the value of your household goods is unnoticeably increasing steadily. Therefore, you should keep track of your insurance coverage, e.g. for
valuable items like bicycles, clothes, watches etc.

Motor insurance – KFZ

For many self-employed, their vehicles are an important asset. You have been involved in a car accident, and your car has been damaged, or thieves have broke in your vehicle. As a doctor, you depend on your mobility, and if you cannot attend office hours, your patient’s health
is at stake. With the right car insurance, a replacement vehicle, a quick repair and a smooth settlement are possible in the event of damage.

Risk life insurance – RLV

No one is immortal, and when you feel healthy and fit, you don’t worry about suffering from death – no one is immune to it. If you want to keep your loved ones financially secure in the event of your unexpected death, you should get risk life insurance. Your family can cover the running costs from the insured sum or pay any outstanding loans. Mutual insurance can also contribute to financial stability for business partners in the event of the death of your business partner.